What is a Magnet Program?
Magnet Programs are special learning opportunities for students living within the San Diego Unified School District. Magnet Programs attract students by offering students the unique opportunity for in-depth studies while meeting rigorous California state curriculum standards.
What are the Primary Goals and Characteristics of Magnet Schools?
They seek to improve achievement for all students participating in the school.
They provide a distinctive curriculum or educational approach.
They attract students from outside an assigned neighborhood attendance zone.
Longfellow Spanish Immersion Magnet School offers fluent English speaking students the unique opportunity to become fluent and literate in Spanish by using Spanish as the primary language of instruction. This magnet provides all students in grades K - 8 an enriched curriculum emphasizing fluency and literacy in Spanish and English.
Who Do I Contact With Enrollment Questions?
SDUSD Enrollment Options Webpage
SDUSD Enrollment Options Department phone: (619) 260-2410, email: [email protected]